qpopper question

jobs jobs na e-house.it
Pondělí Září 10 11:22:08 CEST 2001

I have installed Qpopper4.0.3 on my RH7 linux server. It works properly if I
configure it in standalone mode and if I lunch it after every boot by
"popper" command, but I am not able to made automatic
start-up after boot.
Like specified in Qpopper pdf manual I have made a text file called pop3 and
I have putted it into /xinetd.d/. This name appers in ntsysv and so I have
not problem until this point.
The problem is when this script try to automatic execute by pop3 text file,
the executable file called "popper"! Reading the system log I see a
permission error to execute the popper.
The file I putted into /xinetd.d is the following:

service pop3

         socket_type  =  stream     
         protocol  =  tcp     
         wait  =  no     
         user  =  root     
         server  =  /usr/local/lib/qpopper4.0.3    
         server_args  =  popper     
         port  =  110     


I hope somebody can help me, regards..


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