diskusia k RFC 2822

Robert Madaj madaj na istrobanka.sk
Čtvrtek Leden 17 11:20:50 CET 2002

DT> PS: RFC 2822 rika, ze skutecne muze byt ve From: vice adres (zajimave):

DT>    The from field consists of the field name "From" and a
DT>    comma-separated list of one or more mailbox specifications.  If the
DT>    from field contains more than one mailbox specification in the
DT>    mailbox-list, then the sender field, containing the field name
DT>    "Sender" and a single mailbox specification, MUST appear in the
DT>    message.  In either case, an optional reply-to field MAY also be
DT>    included, which contains the field name "Reply-To" and a
DT>    comma-separated list of one or more addresses.

to je podla mna len zduplikovanie toho co uz
vlastne je v klientoch
(Tlacitko: Reply to all, kde to posle odpoved
vsetkym ktori su vo From a CC:)

Viac adries vo From je to iste v ruzovom.

s pozdravom
 Robert Madaj, mailto:madaj na istrobanka.sk
 Odbor elektronickeho bankovnictva, http://www/oeb/
 ISTROBANKA, akciova spolocnost, http://www.istrobanka.sk/

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