[Fedora TeX Live] F14 Bug Report

Richard Heck rgheck at comcast.net
Thu Apr 7 21:42:59 CEST 2011

On installing the TeXLive 2010 packages over TeXLive 2007, I was 
originally unable to compile xetex or xelatex files, due to a missing 
xe[la]tex.fmt file. I tried fmtutil -missing, etc, but still didn't have 
it. After googling around, I found out I should look at the fmtutil.cfg 
file, and then discovered the lines for xe[la]tex were commented out, so 
the format files weren't being produced. I uncommented them and all was 

Seems like some kind of bug....

Richard Heck
(LyX Development Team)

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