[Fedora TeX Live] I need to install the package 'cjwplain' on Fedora 17

Bob Tennent rdtennent at gmail.com
Tue May 28 14:31:47 CEST 2013

 >|I need to compile old books typeset using Plain Tex. But I need to compile
 >|them using LaTeX instead of TeX because I need to process them using the
 >|package {preview}.
 >|I have found out about a package that makes the promise of working the
 >|wonder of doing so without the need to extensively edit the original TeX
 >|files. Yeah!
 >|This package is called *cjwplain*. However, I am having a hard time
 >|the correct install package for my Fedora TeXLive distribution.

The package is at CTAN:


It's no longer in TeXLive because of the non-commercial license.

Bob T.

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