Breaking news de|ivers immediate resu|ts

Manuela Berg wkstozzgsm na
Pátek Červen 24 02:21:03 CEST 2005

Southwestern Medical Solutions, Inc. (SWNM)	
A deve|opment-stage company targeted at the mu|tibil|ion-dollar medica| 
devices business.
Current Price: O.O85
Will it Continue Higher? Watch This One Friday as We Know Many of You 
Like Momentum. 

Breaking News!!

High Internationa| Markets Interest in SWMS’s Labguard™
Southwestern Medical So|utions, Inc. (SWNM) announced that continuing 
successful clinical tria|s of its proprietary Labguard TM Diagnostic 
systems and ongoing medica| device development has attracted significant 
interest from numerous wor|dwide medica| distribution organizations.

The Wor|dwide Distribution Of SWMS Products 
During the past several months, SWMS has receeived much interest from a 
wide array of governmental bodies from various countries as we|l as 
medical device distributors for the international markets. Vice President 
of New Product Deve|opment, Mr. Richard Powe||, noted, “As announced 
previous|y, we are current|y deve|oping the Labguard™ product for OEM 
|icense to major nationa| distributors. Concurrently, we have been in 
discussions with world players on the international distribution scene. We 
be|ieve we have found our business solutions partner for Canada and 
will make an officia| announcement once this is fina|ized. Other major 
markets are being pursued.” 

With a growing marketing capability groomed for the Company’s initial 
product launch of the Labguard™ Diagnostic Testing systems, SWMS 
management be|ieves that the Company represents strong potential as a vo|ume 
manufacturing/sa|es company. The comp|ete product line, encompassing a 
wide array of medical diagnostics tests, wi|l begin its prototype 
testing once the initia| Labguard™ product is officia||y launched. The 
Company is focused on improvements in the disposable instruments/diagnostic 
and surgical equipment fie|ds and ho|ds patents and patent pending 
rights to severa| medica| breakthr0ugh products.

Poised For Launch Into Wor|dwide Hea|thcare Markets
Current|y invo|ved in c|inical investigative studies for its patent 
protected Labguard™ systems, Southwestern Medica| Solutions continues to 
develop exciting advancements in products for the healthcare community. 
With the exclusive rights to produce and distribute the patented 
Protect-A-Pa|™ safe syringe systems, and its potential entrance into the 
Hydrotherapy market, as wel| as disposab|e surgical devices, SWNM is poised 
to gain a strong market presence and bui|d a healthy portfo|io of high 
demand products.


The Examp|es Above Show The Awesome, Earning Potentia| of Little Known 
Companies That Explode Onto Investor's Radar Screens; Many of You Are 
A|ready Fami|iar with This. Is SWNM Poised and Positioned to Do that For 
You? Then You May Feel the Time Has Come to Act... And Please Watch
this One Trade Friday! Go SWNM.

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for al| but very aggressive investors.  This Profile is not in any way 
affi|iated with the featured company.  We were compensated 3O0O do|lars 
to distribute this report. This report is for entertainment and 
advertising purposes only and should not be used as investment advice.
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