Smazani spamu z pop3

Miroslav Zidek mizi na
Úterý Duben 3 20:24:46 CEST 2001


> Mohl by mě někdo poradit program který by se připojil na pop3 schránku a
> načetl si hlavičky a podle senznamu který má uložen by smazal spam a
> odpojil se od pop3.
Mam takovy dojem, ze neco podobne zvladl program "PopCheck". URL nevim,
ale kklidne poslu - ma jenom 26k :-) Umi davkove mazani - viz priloha.

Miroslav Zidek

----- zasilam vypis "readme" ---------------------
Batch mode
* Run popcheck with the -o switch first to make a textfile with all
  messages, including numbers and sizes.
* Edit this file and remove all lines describing mail you want to keep.
* Make sure the only lines in the file are those describing the mails you
  want to REMOVE. Please double-check because there is no turning-back
  after you execute popcheck with the -i switch.
* Run popcheck with the -i switch. All messages matching the message
  numbers and sizes (in the file) will be removed from the POP server.

Please note that you run this program on your own risk. It's very easy to
remove messages that you want to remove, but also to remove messages that
you didn't want to remove. BE CAREFUL.
------------------ end ----------------------------

Miroslav Zidek                           mailto: mizi na 
Netolice                                       charset: iso-8859-2  web   
fingerprint:  6E 3C E5 4E 16 E8 53 55  34 16 63 D0 2D 04 79 25

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