firewall - srovnani Lin x Win

Ondrej Mach omyl na
Pátek Březen 16 08:54:15 CET 2001

> 	NAT obecne je transformace M:N, tedy do NAT se schova i to Vase SNAT a
> DNAT, pokud implementace umi skutecne NAT (tedy transformace M:N), umi
> zaroven i SNAT a DNAT. Domnivam se, ze Linux takovouto implementaci ma i
> kdyz pouzivam v soucasne dobe jen transformaci M:1.

Ja si ta oznaceni nevymyslel, a souhlasim s tim ze NAT je nadmnozinou DNAT a
SNAT. Linux skutecne tuto implementaci ma, vcetne terminologie SNAT a DNAT 
jak je popsano v tech HOWTO, na ktere jsem odkazoval:

Cituji z NAT-HOWTO od 'Rusty' Russella:
I divide NAT into two different types: Source NAT (SNAT) and Destination NAT (DNAT). 

Source NAT is when you alter the source address of the first packet: ie. you are changing where the
connection is coming from. Source NAT is always done post-routing, just before the packet goes out onto the
wire. Masquerading is a specialized form of SNAT. 

Destination NAT is when you alter the destination address of the first packet: ie. you are changing where
the connection is going to. Destination NAT is always done pre-routing, when the packet first comes off the
wire. Port forwarding, load sharing, and transparent proxying are all forms of DNAT. 
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