Pine a maildiry

Peter Mann Peter.Mann na
Středa Červenec 3 07:14:11 CEST 2002

On Wed, Jul 03, 2002 at 06:37:55AM +0200, Jan Houstek wrote:
> > > Jsem velmi spokojeny s prechodem z mailboxu na maildiry, jen me vadi, ze
> > > poradne nefunguje pine (tedy me ne, ale nekteri uzivatele ho vyzaduji ...)
> >
> > co tak skusit mutt a /usr/share/doc/mutt/examples/Pine.rc ???
> >
> > # This file contains commands to change the keybindings in Mutt to be
> > # similar to those of PINE 3.95.
> Ale neee, ja nechci prechazet na mutt, ja ho normalne pouzivam. Ten pine
> tam musi byt kvuli userum, kteri chteji pine, a ne nejaky (byt treba
> lepsi) mutt s podobnymi klavesovymi zkratkami.

alias pine='mutt -F /usr/share/doc/mutt/examples/Pine.rc'  ;-))

> Jinak jsem problem vyresil tak, ze posta chodi do ~/Maildir, ale maily se
> ukladaji do ~/mail do mailboxu. Takhle s tim umi pine i mutt pracovat bez
> problemu.

mutt ma v konfiguracii volby spoolfile a folder, skuste man muttrc

> Vadi mi to, ze ani pine ani mutt neumi jednodusse pracovat s maildiry
> uvnitr maildiru. Pine je nezobrazi, protoze ty adresare zacinaji ".", mutt
> sice ano, ale zobrazuje ty slozky s "." na zacatku a se vsemi soubory,
> ktere jsou tam obsazene, a take jeste s adresari cur, new a tmp.

mailboxes filename [ filename ... ]
  This command specifies folders which can receive mail and which will be 
  checked for new messages. When changing folders, pressing space will cycle 
  through folders with new mail.

> Ja bych chtel, aby v maildiru, ktery obsahuje slozky cur, new a tmp, par
> dalsich souboru a pak dalsi maildiry ve tvaru .jmeno zobrazoval mutt a
> pine jen seznam maildiru (bez te uvodni tecky). Ani jeden to ale IMHO neumi.

mimochodom maildir v maildir-e ... ak myslite stromovu strukturu
maildirov, tak napr. courier-imap pouziva ako oddelovac bodku ".", cize
mam napr. .linux, .linux.linux-cz, .linux.linux-sk,
.linux.debian.debian-cd, atd. atd. (ziadne vnorene maildiry) a vyzera to 

linux - linux-cz
      - linux-sk
      - debian   - debian-cd
                 - ....

pouzivam maildir a zhodnu strukturu maildirov vidim pom. mutt,
squirrelmail a hocijakeho imap klienta
4.10 Where is pine?

Due to its restrictive license, it's in the non-free area. Moreover,
since license does not even allow modified binaries to be distributed,
you have to compile it yourself from the source and the Debian patches.

The source package name is pine. You can use the pine-tracker package to
be notified about when you need to upgrade.

Note that there are many replacements for both pine and pico, such as
mutt and nano, that are located in the main section. 

na stranke su .deb balicky


5o   Peter.Mann at
     KLFMANiK ICQ 12491471

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