detekce UDF

Peter Surda shurdeek na
Úterý Leden 14 23:29:17 CET 2003

On Tue, Jan 14, 2003 at 08:56:02PM +0100, Martin Bodlák wrote:
> On Tue, 14 Jan 2003, Peter Surda wrote:
> > On Tue, Jan 14, 2003 at 09:01:06AM +0000, Jan Gregor wrote:
> > >  Existuje nekde patch do jadra, ktery umozni automatickou detekci udf ?
> > > Chtel bych iso9660 a udf pripojovat stejnym zpusobem (tedy v /etc/fstab
> > > misto filesystemu pouzit auto). V manovych strankach k mount jsem nasel
> > > seznam filesystemu, ktere umi jadro detekovat, a udf mezi nimi neni.
> > Skus si tu man stranku precitat trocha podobnejsie, a zbadas, ze riesenim je
> > echo "udf" >> /etc/filesystems
> Dodal bych jen, ze kvuli CD formatovanym pres Adaptec neco, dodavane k 
> nekterym CD-RW mechanikam HP, je vhodne dat UDF pred ISO9660 (na CD je 
> mala oblast s ISO9660 s ovladacem pro win, zbytek CD je pak UDF):
Podotykam, ze podla man stranky to nebude mat ziadany efekt (ako je to v
realite neviem):

If no -t option is given, or if the auto  type  is  specified,  the
superblock  is probed for the filesystem type (adfs, bfs, cramfs, ext, ext2,
ext3, hfs, hpfs, iso9660, jfs, minix, ntfs, qnx4, reiserfs, romfs, ufs, vxfs,
xfs, xiafs  are supported).   If  this  probe  fails,  mount  will  try  to
read  the  file /etc/filesystems,  or,  if  that does not exist,
/proc/filesystems.  All of the filesystem types listed there will be tried,
except for those that are labeled "nodev" (e.g., devpts, proc and nfs).


Peter Surda (Shurdeek) <shurdeek na>, ICQ 10236103, +436505122023

Failure is not an option. It comes bundled with your Microsoft product.
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