SOLVED Re: Thunderbird vs MozillaMail; FireFox vs MozillaBrowser

Anti.Trust antitrust na
Středa Březen 24 17:19:50 CET 2004

Staci si precitat poslednych 40% clanku a mne z toho vychadza (velmi 
Aj samotni developeri vidia buducnost v FF+TB.
FF je teraz rychlejsie, krajsie ma viac extensions a hlavne kopcisko 
dalsich sa planuje. Casom (leto, jesen[?] '04) nemude dovod pouzivat MB, 
ak nieco neprekaza vyuzitiu FF - stabilita by mala byt vyrazne vylepsena.

detto ako vyssie s tym, ze v lete tu bude 1.0! (sme na 0.5), tym padom 
zacina platit vyssie uvedene u FF.

Okrem toho sami DEV vidia, ze nie je dovod robit obrovsky balik, ale je 
lepsie pre nich aj usera sustredit sa na FF a TB. + This picture shows 
Mail as both an Application (inside a square) and an Extension (the 
circle with an arrow pointing to the Browser application that Mail 
extends). + preklad netreba :) - obrazok v linku

dalej vyberam:
Both classes of applications will be able to make use of the Gecko 
Runtime Environment (GRE) to enable the sharing of a single installation 
of Gecko. Applications may even share profiles, although the 
inter-process communication work to support sharing profiles among 
applications running in separate processes is not done yet (as of 
1.7alpha). [ale coskoro bude :)]

The idea is to move from the over-integrated application suite to 
simpler toolkit applications, to remove more advanced functionality from 
the default configurations, but to provide robust tools for building 
your own browser by layering those extensions that you want to use on 
top of the base. In an attempt to avoid an explosion of unique builds 
that have to be supported by, we will likely ship with all 
of the popular extensions installed but disabled, so that they can be 
easily turned on by those who wish to use them, and uninstalled by those 
who don't.

# Firefox is simply smaller, faster, and better -- especially better not 
because it has every conflicting feature wanted by each segment of the 
Mozilla community, but because it has a strong "add-on" extension 
mechanism. We recognize that different users need many different 
features; such demand is legitimate on its face. Attempting to 
"hardwire" all these features to the integrated application suite is not 
legitimate; it's neither technically nor socially scaleable.

# What's good for the browser is good for the mail application, too. 
Mozilla's integrated mail has many fine features, but it suffers from 
too many integration points with the other apps, and it remains a 
complicated front end maintained by too few people, most of whom have 
different day jobs now.

Takze pokial to neprinasa velke komplikacie, resp. sa teraz ci v obdobi 
par mesiacov prechdza (napr.) z IE + O/OE, tak sa UZ TREBA sustredit na 
FF&TB. Za par mesiacov (najneskor september) to bude "jedina rozumna" 
moznost. [samozrejme mame mutt a links :)]



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